Friday, September 16, 2011

Moprise Is Launching A “Flipboard For The Enterprise”

Moprise launch the new iPad applications that refer to it is tablet-optimized version of iPhone applications are available at this time the company Coaxion "Flipboard for the Enterprise.". Flipboard analogy is not quite right, however. Flipboard are about to read news and articles, photo browsing and see updates from your social network in a format like a magazine. Coaxion and Flipboard only similar in that they both have easy-browsing, touchable, swipe a user-friendly interface. But the content is Coaxion company documents, not news or tweets.

At launch, Coaxion for the iPad will be connected to both Dropbox and SharePoint services. For the former, you need a username and password to connect, and for the latter, all you need is that, and the SharePoint URL. The I.T. departments do not always have to be involved in the setup or configuration, allowing for bottom-up adoption cycle.

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