Monday, September 26, 2011

Apple: Samsung got 'caught' mimicking iPad

Samsung deliberately by Apple to the development of Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Apple iPad have in mind.
Presenting an argument for New South Wales Supreme Court today, Apple's lawyers alleged that Samsung has designed its Galaxy Table 10.1, see, feel and operation as the iPad iPad and 2 and, in this case has been caught red-handed. Samsung will "have a go at launching a product, and if they [violate patents] caught, they will design around it," said Apple's legal department.
Samsung originally took Apple to court in Australia in August, claiming that Galaxy Tab 10.1 on the patent for the creation of an injury to use iPad. Samsung, for its part claims that Apple has based his case on the U.S. version of the device and presents three models for the study of Australia, agreed to push back the release device on the market. Apple claims that the device quickly denied he was given a function in an attempt to avoid legal disputes and allows the release of the product was stripped.

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