Sunday, September 25, 2011

iPhone 5 rumor roundup

As we wait for the official announcement of the next iPhone, we can only see what we guess. Apple, after all always produce a ton of gossip in the absence of the original details on upcoming devices. Some of the rumors about the new handset in conflict with each other - a camp show a small update for the iPhone 4S, while others say five major update to the iPhone - but do not agree, finally, is often what the rumor is all about.
Because of all the conflicting information would be difficult to follow, we offer five handy when iPhone rumors thus far in 2011. We should add it as we go along, and let us know if we left any juicy tidbits.
24 September
No holiday in October
According to AppleInsider reports Apple is telling employees in a retail store that they do not go on vacation during the second week in October.
23 September
A flaw in the iPhone 5 plates?
Taiwan DigiTimes says that Apple is finding a supplier Wintek "delayed-bubble" defects in some of the iPhone to 5 panels have been produced. After the release, though known, what the lack of screen, it seems the touch panel and a layer during installation.

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