Saturday, September 24, 2011

Apple logos in backdrop for Samsung in-store display

Samsung can dispute Apple's claim that he has a habit of tearing the product from Cupertino, but apparently featuring an interior designer has less of a problem with swiping a small part of the intellectual property of Apple. Surprisingly, create icons for Apple's iTunes App Store and some background on Safari for Samsung in the shop this store "display in Italy - despite the fact that both run on Android, Windows or the Bada-based devices.
It makes you wonder if it includes Motorola and HTC logo is hidden by a screen ...
Without a fantastic investigative journalism budget, please allow me, fly to the Italian branch of the questions on the company jet at the time will, I am left to assume one of three things has happened here:
An ad from another mobile promotions and the only remaining truly picky geeks like us and the people at All Things D never make an issue about some of the dreams of small icons to admit only those geeks at all.
2 Samsung has a very underdeveloped understanding of the meaning of the term "product placement."
3 Samsung stalking Apple. It has a Korean factories, nothing but a black sweater and jeans. It also has an icon that Safari tattoo on his ass. And sometimes it's just a mess.
You can decide for yourself what the most likely explanation, but Samsung does not have great success here. Back in 2008, let slip that the version of Safari is to come to one of his old school Symbian phones. Apparently they are "s60 safari" that has several different browsers on the same component-based browsers such as Apple intended, however, mistaken about the company apparently did not realize the concept of trademarks.
Well, at least one mystery to solve here. Perhaps we now know what the background of the ads move to mobile phones S60 Safari.

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