Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Amazon Silk: Weaving a new browser

Based on Amazon's release today is that the retail giant and cloud services in the browser market is strengthened with a new web browser that ships on the upcoming Android-based tablet.
The new browser is called the Sutra, and it is the latest attempt to make Web browsing faster, especially on portable devices, where the hardware is usually much slower than what users may be on a desktop or notebook computer. It can also learn how to surf the Web, and provide longer battery life by some of the most difficult jobs in the cloud, Amazon said.
The company uses large heavy cloud infrastructure services behind their browsers to make up for potential hardware faults. While the tablet is equipped with a flame fused dual-core processor that runs the games and other applications, the company said that users have come up with a certain amount of speed on the desktop, which is expected is not always on mobile devices.
Amazon's solution is what makes it a "Split Browser", method, use of local processing to some extent, to the process during the development of Elastic Compute Cloud and serve content faster than they can do it directly from the device calls.

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