Monday, October 3, 2011

HTC follows BlackBerry to $299 tablet bargain bin

HTC flyer to see the latest prices tablets kicked down a few hundred dollars, as the market adjusts to the effects of fire sales of HP TouchPad $ 99 and $ 199 recently announced the Amazon Kindle the Fire.
7-inch HTC Flyers fell from a height of expensive $ 499.99 at Best Buy for $ 299.99 on Friday.
It comes with the Android operating system 2.3, the 1024 pixel-by-600 7-inch color touch screen, front and rear camera, 16 GB of memory, 1GB of RAM, Wi-Fi, microSD card slot and single-core processor Qualcomm.
If telling the truth, tablets HTC expensive to start, such as CNET review reaffirmed in May. But the phenomenon of over-priced tablets are not limited to HTC. Best Buy has an identical price movements on the BlackBerry manual 7-inch earlier this week. Motorola and pressure on prices collapsed in July.
Do not be surprised if more pills prices get reduced. Amazon Kindle $ 199 if the fire is as popular as expected, when she released 15 November is the price adjustment that other Android Tablet makers as possible.

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