Monday, October 10, 2011

Android to get enterprise friendlier

3LM, a division of Motorola Mobility, ready to publish a series of enterprise-class security and management tools for a series of Android handset makers.
The tool allows IT departments to integrate their Android devices in the system. It also makes it easier for individuals to take personal Android phones, and tablets and they work.
3LM work related to broader trends known as the consumerization of IT, where people in their own equipment to work, instead of separate companies assigned to the unit. Earlier on Monday announced that AT & T can switch toggle-services, mobile devices, between corporate and personal identity.
"I think we've done it, one for IT and consumer win-win offer," said Tom Moss, CEO 3LM.
The company is using the CTIA Enterprise Application & Conference, which begins tomorrow in San Diego, a place to party come out.
3LM software provides the ability to encrypt, the phone memory and SD card. It can also selectively add additional encryption of parts of the phone company. It can also track job applications and non-work, so the advanced security to protect important programs.
As with other security applications, but also offers the ability to remotely erase the phone memory if lost or stolen.
The software also allows IT departments to remotely install or remove programs, location and control of the operating system, programs and monitor the device itself. It also allows the phone, a secure connection to office, how to create a virtual private network is known.
The software runs in phones with the Android 2.2, also known as Froyo or higher-known works.
Motorola 3LM purchased earlier this year to help strengthen security in its products. But instead of keeping 3LM own ability as a partner decides to distribute it as much as possible, so that IT departments get a consistent level of security and management tools.
3LM has agreements to distribute the software to Android dozen manufacturers, including HTC and Sony Ericsson. It is still in discussions with Samsung Electronics, the world's largest Android players.
3LM production will not be charged cell phone is the cost for the software. Conversely used by companies who want to activate the software installed already on Android phones.
3LM test software for the last few months, and Moss said that they would be ready later this month. Moss added that, because it is a unit of Motorola, it is time to fully develop the software, and not under pressure to produce immediate income.
With that said, Moss noted that there is a clear division of Motorola, which has the same access with the ability 3LM like everyone else.
"We're not holding anything back from all partners," he said.
Moss, who broke with his team at Google to set up a new business, said he was pleased that he eventually will be folded back into the mother ship. Google agreed to acquire in August Motorola 12500000000 $.
"I'm pretty happy with how things are with Motorola and Google," said Moss. "There will be a great partnership for them."

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