Saturday, October 8, 2011

CTIA moves to block SF cell phone law

San Francisco and the CTIA in conflict again now that the association has formally warning legislation wireless phones, which went into town, made ​​earlier this year in question.
In a statement released Tuesday, John Wall, the so-called CTIA Vice President of Public Affairs, San Francisco action "both alarmist and false" and denied any suggestion that the radio frequency (RF) emissions generated by mobile phones have had an adverse effect on your health . "The FCC and the FDA has repeatedly noted that the use of cell phones are not a threat," he said. "This legislation recommends things like turning off the phone when not in use, a proposal to make critical emergency communications are not available to residents of San Francisco would be."
The "Right to Know" regulations (PDF) that the 11-member San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted at the 19th San Francisco in July, requires retailers to information poster (PDF) contributions, that mobile phones emit RF energy and to provide fact sheets to consumer demand. In addition to stating that the World Health Organization has RF energy as a potential carcinogen, so interpreting the Fact Sheet (PDF) that consumers use a phone with RF exposure limits, wear a belt clip, and cut with a headset.
According to court documents (PDF), according to CTIA, a city ordinance violates the First Amendment rights of retailers and is contrary to the supervision of the Federal Communications Commission wireless security standards. "The federal government has exclusive responsibility for the safety of RF emissions from cell phones to organize," he said according to CTIA

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