Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dell to take another shot at MacBook Air

Dell will go after Apple MacBook Air back to take part of a broader strategy to agree on the whole MacBook line.
Ultra-thin laptop can come around CES time period, according to sources familiar with the industry, Dell plans.
There are also separate reports this week that Dell is prepping an ultra-word book - Windows camp answers the MacBook Air is reportedly extremely Is the Book of the same notebook, see the Dell-source is not clear.
Anyway, it's all part of a wider drive Dell to the MacBook line to take. This week, Round Rock, Texas-based company announced the XPS 14z, right in the 13-inch MacBook Pro. (Dell claims makes panel-less design of the screen near the 13-inch MacBook Pro in size.) And in May, brought out the Dell XPS 15z that 15-inch MacBook Pro targets.
And if Dell will wait until CES 2012, a super-thin laptop announced that it will be exactly three years after Adamo, head off to announce the head of the MacBook Air.
Expected to boost sales of the book Ultra Spring 2012 - the time it could have been with the announcement of Intel's next generation processor called Ivy Bridge match. Ivy Bridge supports USB 3.0, Microsoft DirectX 11 multimedia technology and offers a more powerful graphics silicon.
Thus, ultra-thin design with Dell stick this time? He killed Adamo earlier this year because demand is weak. But Dell would be well advised to learn the story of the MacBook Air. Water - announced in January 2008 - did not sell well for over two years - such as Adamo. But Apple fixed and refining the design (not Dell). Now is one of the best selling models from Apple.

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